Thursday, 3 April 2014

Disconnections, mains, trains and automobiles.

Firstly, I'd like to apologise for not updating this in a few weeks. Between shitty internet issues (which still have not been fixed - Thanks Sky), doing up 72 hour weeks at work and trying to decide what to play in Warlords (and subsequently prepare for), I've not really had the energy to get things done.

Trying to decide a main to play is hard. And annoying. And frustrating. I was watching a video by WoWPreacher last night (he's going to be raiding again in Warlords, and chronicling his quest to find his class to roll)

...and this morning, it hit me. Why do I have to roll a fresh class? I love my main. I guess I got a little jaded once I hit my target for 5.4 (SoO normal) and thought I was done with her. As Jemma of (The Drafia's guild mistress) knows, I get dejected when faced with something my class cannot do, and then try and roll a class that can do it.

So I've been looking at it all wrong.

So what I thought I'd do to get this back on it's feet is introduce you all to my main.

This the original Arideen, a (recently neglected) Elemental Shaman on Draenor Horde.

So, on with the show, and I hope to fire out posts with greater frequency.

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